
The value for property 'resValues' cannot be changed any further. after upgrading gradle from 4.1.3 to 4.2.1

After upgrading gradle from 4.1.3 to 4.2.1 I started getting this error while building the app

The value for property 'resValues' cannot be changed any further.


  • just update to 1.9.2

    [1.9.2] 2021-06-07 Fixed an issue where the Gradle plugin would fail with AGP 4.2 due to an IllegalStateException ("The value for property 'resValues' cannot be changed any further.")

    It turns out to be a problem with heapanalytics after removing apply plugin: '' fixes the problem.

    so you could remove heapanalytics or delay the gradle update and continue using 4.1.3 until the heap team fixes this issue.

    from here:

    Nora from Heap support here! Our mobile team has prioritized this issue and is actively working on a release version with support for Android Studio 4.2. The current release timeline for the supported version is by the end of this June.