
Could not obtain a WAC Access Token while trying to access excel file on SharePoint

I read some of the questions that were asked pertaining to the same issue I'm having, but none of the answers helped.

I am trying to read or get the cell data values of an excel file (.xlsx) stored in a SharePoint site. I've already granted the following permissions, File.Read.All and Site.Read.All.

When I try to run the query below on MS Graph Explorer, I get 'Access Denied'. I have the site-id and list-id populated in my query but not shown here.{site-id}/lists/{list-id}/items/3/driveItem/workbook/worksheets/usedRange

Response Preview

    "error": {
        "code": "AccessDenied",
        "message": "Could not obtain a WAC access token.",
        "innerError": {
            "date": "2021-03-03T17:47:01",
            "request-id": "ccb9aa2e-ef69-4834-802c-f71d43ee1b78",
            "client-request-id": "c478..."


  • This had me scratching my head but I am finally able to access and operate on my excel file over SharePoint. I was accessing the excel file incorrectly.

    I used the query below to get all the sites, including root level and sub sites:*

    as using the one below didn't list the site I needed:

    Because my excel file is within a folder on that site, I need to provide the list-item-id as the folder is an item of the site. Then, I am able to access the folder as a drive and use root to provide the path to the excel file from the folder's root directory. Finally, do whatever operation needed to the workbook.

    .../v1.0/sites/{site-id}/lists/{list-item-id}/drive/root:/{path-to-file}:/workbook/worksheets/{sheet-name or sheet-id}/usedRange


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    Working with Excel in Microsoft Graph