
Papaja does not use "et al." when citing a reference more than once in apa format

When I knit the R-Markdown file for the APA-styled document, I saw that "et al" is not used in the output pdf file, instead the author names were not suppressed but written each time. I found the answer to this problem for pdf outputs here:


bibliography      : references.bib
biblio-style      : "apa"

    citation_package: biblatex

Unfortunately, this solution does not work for word outputs. Can you help me to fix this problem in word documents as well? When I used papaja 2 years ago, there was not such a problem.

I appreciate any help!


  • This seems to be a recent bug that I hope we will be able to address soon. However, there is a workaround: papaja relies on Citation Style Language CSL, and therefore, you can manually download the apa.csl file from here and put it in the same directory as your .rmd file. You can then include the CSL file via this additional line in the YAML header of your document:

    csl: apa.csl # "et al." did not work

    In my document, this solved the problem, and "et al." was properly used in both pdf and word output.