
How to simplify sequential logic design by eliminating nested if-else statements

I have a design I've implemented using vhdl that is triggered based on a clock that sends an input signal to one of 8 output channels based on the sel input and also another 2 bit input. The elaborated design shows a lot of nesting due to the many if-else statements. So, I'm curious as to if there's a way to alleviate the nesting using case statements or some other method. I'm unfamiliar with doing this using case statements because I have two inputs that determine the output channel. The code that I currently have is displayed below.

library IEEE;

--Inputs and outputs to entity 
entity DSA_Worker is
    Port ( DB_Select : in STD_LOGIC;
           Atten : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0);
           enable : in STD_LOGIC;
           clk: in STD_LOGIC;
           reset: in STD_LOGIC;
           chip_select : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0);
           DBA_TX1_DSA : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           DBA_TX2_DSA : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           DBA_RX1_DSA : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           DBA_RX2_DSA : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           DBB_TX1_DSA : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           DBB_TX2_DSA : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           DBB_RX1_DSA : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           DBB_RX2_DSA : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0));
end DSA_Worker;

architecture Behavioral of DSA_Worker is

  if rising_edge(clk) then
  --if reset is high, all outputs go to 0
     if reset = '1'then
       DBA_TX1_DSA <= (others =>'0');
       DBA_TX2_DSA <= (others =>'0');
       DBA_RX1_DSA <= (others =>'0');
       DBA_RX2_DSA <= (others =>'0');
       DBB_TX1_DSA <= (others =>'0');
       DBB_TX2_DSA <= (others =>'0');
       DBB_RX1_DSA <= (others =>'0');
       DBB_RX2_DSA <= (others =>'0');
      -- attenuation values sent to channels based on DB_select value(0/1) and chip select value
       --DB_select - 0 is for DB-A and 1 for DB- B and chip_select determines the channel 
       elsif enable = '1'then
             if(DB_Select='0' and chip_select = "00") then -- attenuation value sent to first channel
             DBA_TX1_DSA(0) <= Atten(0);
             DBA_TX1_DSA(1) <= Atten(1);
             DBA_TX1_DSA(2) <= Atten(2);
             DBA_TX1_DSA(3) <= Atten(3);
             DBA_TX1_DSA(4) <= Atten(4);
             DBA_TX1_DSA(5) <= Atten(5);

             elsif (DB_Select='0' and chip_select = "01") then 
             DBA_TX2_DSA(0) <= Atten(0);
             DBA_TX2_DSA(1) <= Atten(1);
             DBA_TX2_DSA(2) <= Atten(2);
             DBA_TX2_DSA(3) <= Atten(3);
             DBA_TX2_DSA(4) <= Atten(4);
             DBA_TX2_DSA(5) <= Atten(5);
             elsif (DB_Select='0' and chip_select = "10") then
             DBA_RX1_DSA(0) <= Atten(0);
             DBA_RX1_DSA(1) <= Atten(1);
             DBA_RX1_DSA(2) <= Atten(2);
             DBA_RX1_DSA(3) <= Atten(3);
             DBA_RX1_DSA(4) <= Atten(4);
             DBA_RX1_DSA(5) <= Atten(5);
            elsif (DB_Select='0' and chip_select = "11") then
            DBA_RX2_DSA(0) <= Atten(0);
            DBA_RX2_DSA(1) <= Atten(1);
            DBA_RX2_DSA(2) <= Atten(2);
            DBA_RX2_DSA(3) <= Atten(3);
            DBA_RX2_DSA(4) <= Atten(4);
            DBA_RX2_DSA(5) <= Atten(5);
            -- Attenuation values being set for DB-B
            elsif (DB_Select='1' and chip_select = "00") then 
            DBB_TX1_DSA(0) <= Atten(0);
            DBB_TX1_DSA(1) <= Atten(1);
            DBB_TX1_DSA(2) <= Atten(2);
            DBB_TX1_DSA(3) <= Atten(3);
            DBB_TX1_DSA(4) <= Atten(4);
            DBB_TX1_DSA(5) <= Atten(5);
            elsif (DB_Select='1' and chip_select = "01") then 
            DBB_TX2_DSA(0) <= Atten(0);
            DBB_TX2_DSA(1) <= Atten(1);
            DBB_TX2_DSA(2) <= Atten(2);
            DBB_TX2_DSA(3) <= Atten(3);
            DBB_TX2_DSA(4) <= Atten(4);
            DBB_TX2_DSA(5) <= Atten(5);
            elsif (DB_Select='1' and chip_select = "10") then 
            DBB_RX1_DSA(0) <= Atten(0);
            DBB_RX1_DSA(1) <= Atten(1);
            DBB_RX1_DSA(2) <= Atten(2);
            DBB_RX1_DSA(3) <= Atten(3);
            DBB_RX1_DSA(4) <= Atten(4);
            DBB_RX1_DSA(5) <= Atten(5);
         DBB_RX2_DSA(0) <= Atten(0);
         DBB_RX2_DSA(1) <= Atten(1);
         DBB_RX2_DSA(2) <= Atten(2);
         DBB_RX2_DSA(3) <= Atten(3);
         DBB_RX2_DSA(4) <= Atten(4);
         DBB_RX2_DSA(5) <= Atten(5);
            end if; 
        end if;
     end if;

end process;

end Behavioral;

I did try to produce a simplified design using case statements as illustrated below

library IEEE;

-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values

-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx leaf cells in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;

entity dsa_case is
   Port ( 
           DB_Select : in STD_LOGIC;
           Atten : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 7 downto 0);
           enable : in STD_LOGIC;
           clk: in STD_LOGIC;
           reset: in STD_LOGIC;
           chip_select : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0);
           DBA_TX1_DSA : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           DBA_TX2_DSA : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           DBA_RX1_DSA : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           DBA_RX2_DSA : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           DBB_TX1_DSA : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           DBB_TX2_DSA : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           DBB_RX1_DSA : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           DBB_RX2_DSA : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0));
end dsa_case;

architecture Behavioral of dsa_case is



    if rising_edge(clk) then
       if reset = '1' then
        DBA_TX1_DSA <= (others =>'0');
        DBA_TX2_DSA <= (others =>'0');
        DBA_RX1_DSA <= (others =>'0');
        DBA_RX2_DSA <= (others =>'0');
        DBB_TX1_DSA <= (others =>'0');
        DBB_TX2_DSA <= (others =>'0');
        DBB_RX1_DSA <= (others =>'0');
        DBB_RX2_DSA <= (others =>'0');
     elsif enable = '1'then
        --    DB_Select <='0';
            case chip_select is
             when "00"=>   -- attenuation value sent to first channel
             DBA_TX1_DSA(0) <= Atten(0);
             DBA_TX1_DSA(1) <= Atten(1);
             DBA_TX1_DSA(2) <= Atten(2);
             DBA_TX1_DSA(3) <= Atten(3);
             DBA_TX1_DSA(4) <= Atten(4);
             DBA_TX1_DSA(5) <= Atten(5);

             when "01"=>
             DBA_TX2_DSA(0) <= Atten(0);
             DBA_TX2_DSA(1) <= Atten(1);
             DBA_TX2_DSA(2) <= Atten(2);
             DBA_TX2_DSA(3) <= Atten(3);
             DBA_TX2_DSA(4) <= Atten(4);
             DBA_TX2_DSA(5) <= Atten(5);
            when "10"=>
             DBA_RX1_DSA(0) <= Atten(0);
             DBA_RX1_DSA(1) <= Atten(1);
             DBA_RX1_DSA(2) <= Atten(2);
             DBA_RX1_DSA(3) <= Atten(3);
             DBA_RX1_DSA(4) <= Atten(4);
             DBA_RX1_DSA(5) <= Atten(5);
            when "11"=>
            DBA_RX2_DSA(0) <= Atten(0);
            DBA_RX2_DSA(1) <= Atten(1);
            DBA_RX2_DSA(2) <= Atten(2);
            DBA_RX2_DSA(3) <= Atten(3);
            DBA_RX2_DSA(4) <= Atten(4);
            DBA_RX2_DSA(5) <= Atten(5);
            -- Attenuation values being set for DB-B
      --      DB_Select <= '1';
            when "00"=>
            DBB_TX1_DSA(0) <= Atten(0);
            DBB_TX1_DSA(1) <= Atten(1);
            DBB_TX1_DSA(2) <= Atten(2);
            DBB_TX1_DSA(3) <= Atten(3);
            DBB_TX1_DSA(4) <= Atten(4);
            DBB_TX1_DSA(5) <= Atten(5);
      --      DB_Select <= '1';
            when "01" =>
            DBB_TX2_DSA(0) <= Atten(0);
            DBB_TX2_DSA(1) <= Atten(1);
            DBB_TX2_DSA(2) <= Atten(2);
            DBB_TX2_DSA(3) <= Atten(3);
            DBB_TX2_DSA(4) <= Atten(4);
            DBB_TX2_DSA(5) <= Atten(5);
     --       DB_Select <= '1';
            when "10"=> 
            DBB_RX1_DSA(0) <= Atten(0);
            DBB_RX1_DSA(1) <= Atten(1);
            DBB_RX1_DSA(2) <= Atten(2);
            DBB_RX1_DSA(3) <= Atten(3);
            DBB_RX1_DSA(4) <= Atten(4);
            DBB_RX1_DSA(5) <= Atten(5);
         when others=>
         DBB_RX2_DSA(0) <= Atten(0);
         DBB_RX2_DSA(1) <= Atten(1);
         DBB_RX2_DSA(2) <= Atten(2);
         DBB_RX2_DSA(3) <= Atten(3);
         DBB_RX2_DSA(4) <= Atten(4);
         DBB_RX2_DSA(5) <= Atten(5);
        end case;
      end if;
    end if; 
 end process;

end Behavioral;

However, it did fail to produce an elaborated design due to 5 errors, all like this

[Synth 8-517] overlapping choice 2'b00 in case statement ["/home/n310-osp/case_statement_design/case_statement_design.srcs/sources_1/new/dsa_case.vhd":108]


  • Personally I don't mind your if-else structure. I think you mostly have a readability issue, with a lot of redundancy (in this case the check on DB_Select inside each case) and inconsistent indentation.

    This is how I'd improve the code inside the process:

      if rising_edge(clk) then
        --if reset is high, all outputs go to 0
        if reset = '1' then
          DBA_TX1_DSA <= (others=>'0');
          DBA_TX2_DSA <= (others=>'0');
          DBA_RX1_DSA <= (others=>'0');
          DBA_RX2_DSA <= (others=>'0');
          DBB_TX1_DSA <= (others=>'0');
          DBB_TX2_DSA <= (others=>'0');
          DBB_RX1_DSA <= (others=>'0');
          DBB_RX2_DSA <= (others=>'0');
        -- attenuation values sent to channels based on DB_select value(0/1) and chip select value
        -- DB_select - 0 is for DB-A and 1 for DB- B and chip_select determines the channel 
        elsif enable = '1'then
          if DB_Select = '0' then
            if chip_select = "00" then -- attenuation value sent to first channel
              DBA_TX1_DSA(5 downto 0) <= Atten(5 downto 0);
            elsif chip_select = "01" then 
              DBA_TX2_DSA(5 downto 0) <= Atten(5 downto 0);
            elsif chip_select = "10" then
              DBA_RX1_DSA(5 downto 0) <= Atten(5 downto 0);
              DBA_RX2_DSA(5 downto 0) <= Atten(5 downto 0);
            end if;
          else -- Attenuation values being set for DB-B
            if chip_select = "00" then 
              DBB_TX1_DSA(5 downto 0) <= Atten(5 downto 0);
            elsif chip_select = "01" then 
              DBB_TX2_DSA(5 downto 0) <= Atten(5 downto 0);
            elsif chip_select = "10" then 
              DBB_RX1_DSA(5 downto 0) <= Atten(5 downto 0);
              DBB_RX2_DSA(5 downto 0) <= Atten(5 downto 0);
            end if;
          end if;
        end if;
      end if;
    end process;
    end Behavioral;

    You could replace the if-else structure with when-else, but that's just a matter of preference.