I just wanna know how made a many to many relationship between two entity´s using the low level api in the datastore, I've been looking but I could not find documentation that explains how to do this kind of relationship. i hope some one can help.
but if I have the entity A and entity B in a many to many relationship how can i stored in the datastore. i mean, This a good solution to store a many to many realtionship in the datastore or what is a good solution? this code is ok or is wrong?
Entity entityA = new Entity("TypeA");
entityA.setProperty("name", "nameUserA");
Entity entityB = new Entity("TypeA");
entityA.setProperty("name", "nameUserB");
Entity entityChild = new Entity("entityChild",entityAKey);
Entity entityChild = new Entity("entityChild",entityBKey);
AppEngine doesn't provide any functionality for many-to-many relationship.
You can emulate it, by creating your own entity, with two fields:
class AtoBRelations {
Key entityA
Key entityB
I's common pattern to have an extra table for many-to-many relationship, even for other databases
BTW, for most cases it will be not optimal solution. Optimal solution depends on how this many-to-many relation have to be used, and there is few different solutions
for example there is second solution: you can store a list of related entities, like:
class EntityA {
List<Key> entitiesB