I am trying to make multiple contingency tables from the following dataset.
data=data.frame(TIP=c("PA1", "LAY2", "MAT1", "STU", "PA1", "LAY2", "MAT1", "STU","PA1", "LAY2", "MAT1", "STU"), timeA=c(7,16,37,8,5,13,15,28,23,17,5,16), TimeB=c(2,17,23,13,9,7,8,12,24,21,8,15), pot=c("S1","S1","S1","S1", "S2", "S2","S2", "S2", "S3", "S3","S3", "S3"))
TIP timeA TimeB pot
1 PA1 7 2 S1
2 LAY2 16 17 S1
3 MAT1 37 23 S1
4 STU 8 13 S1
5 PA1 5 9 S2
6 LAY2 13 7 S2
7 MAT1 15 8 S2
8 STU 28 12 S2
9 PA1 23 24 S3
10 LAY2 17 21 S3
11 MAT1 5 8 S3
12 STU 16 15 S3
the output that I want is
timeA TimeB
PA1 7 2
LAY2 16 17
I would like to get one table for each combination of TIP and for each pot values
I saw some way to do that with function implying the combn function and the crosstable function, but did not succeed in applying these functions to my data.
I need some help on this issue please.
I did this:
data=data.frame(TIP=c("PA1", "LAY2", "MAT1", "STU", "PA1", "LAY2", "MAT1", "STU","PA1", "LAY2", "MAT1", "STU"), timeA=c(7,16,37,8,5,13,15,28,23,17,5,16), TimeB=c(2,17,23,13,9,7,8,12,24,21,8,15), pot=c("S1","S1","S1","S1", "S2", "S2","S2", "S2", "S3", "S3","S3", "S3"))
b = combn(1:nrow(data),2)
f = function(i){
res =apply(b, 2, f)
The result is a list with all your contingency tables
if you want to track to which pot correspond the combination I'd done this:
data$new= paste(data$TIP,data$pot,sep='_')
b = combn(data$new,2)
f = function(i){
res =apply(b, 2, f)
if you wanna do it by pot values, I'd have done this:
for(j in unique(data$pot)){c = data[data$pot==j,]
b = combn(1:nrow(c),2)
f = function(i){
assign(paste0('res', j),apply(b, 2, f))
Here you get 3 list corresponding to the 3 pot values
I hope it was what you wanted