
Prometheus metrics Configuration

I'm pretty new to Prometheus and according to my understanding, there are many metrics already available in Prometheus. But I'm not able to see "http_requests_total" which is used in many examples in the list. Do we need to configure anything in order to avail these HTTP metrics?

My requirement is to calculate the no: of HTTP requests hitting the server at a time. So http_request_total or http_requests_in_flight metrics would be of great help for usage.

Can someone please guide me here on what to do next?


  • The documentation is extensive and helpful.

    See installation

    If you have Docker, you can simply run:

    docker run \
    --interactive --tty --rm \
    --publish=9090:9090 \

    And then browse: http://localhost:9090.

    The default config is set to scrape itself.

    You can list these metrics.

    And graph prometheus_http_requests_total them.