This is the code that I'm trying to convert into java but I don't understand it,actually I get this code as an answer but he/she gives me in kotlin
.listener(object : RequestListener<Drawable> {
override fun onLoadFailed(e: GlideException?, model: Any?, target: Target<Drawable>?, isFirstResource: Boolean): Boolean {
//TODO: something on exception
override fun onResourceReady(resource: Drawable?, model: Any?, target: Target<Drawable>?, dataSource: DataSource?, isFirstResource: Boolean): Boolean {
Log.d(TAG, "OnResourceReady")
dummyShimmerView.visibility = View.GONE
postImageView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
return false
I think what you are getting confused at is the RequestListener
part. Kotlin uses the object
notation for implementation of interfaces. So your code will translate to this roughly
.listener(new RequestListener<Drawable>() {
public boolean onLoadFailed(@Nullable GlideException e, Object model, Target<Drawable> target, boolean isFirstResource) {
return false;
public boolean onResourceReady(Drawable resource, Object model, Target<Drawable> target, DataSource dataSource, boolean isFirstResource) {
// Todo
return false;