I have got two issues with modin
Lately I am not able to create modin environment using the command:
conda create -n aikit-modin intel-aikit-modin -c intel -c conda-forge
(as mentioned in the documentation link of AI Analytics toolkit https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/installing-ai-kit-with-conda.html#gs.2irfv6 )
It seems documentation correction is required.
I was able to create modin environment using stock
conda create -n stock-modin modin -c conda-forge
(referred-https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/tools/oneapi/components/distribution-of-modin.html#gs.2isi2d and Data Science at Scale with Modin documentation:
https://medium.com/intel-analytics-software/data-science-at-scale-with-modin-5319175e6b9a )
But while trying to do the modin sample, NYC_Taxi.ipynb, in the online JupyterLab of Intel devcloud, I am getting a
file save server error JupyterHub server no longer running at /user/uXXXXX/api/contents/modin/examples/jupyter/NYC_Taxi.ipynb. Restart the server at http://jupyter.oneapi.devcloud.intel.com/hub/spawn/uXXXXX
as shown in the screenshot. I was not able to complete the notebook. It seems like a kernel error, even though I created a fresh kernel from the stock-modin environment.
(source of the NYC sample:https://github.com/modin-project/modin/tree/master/examples )
How to execute the samples of Intel Distribution of Modin? Any workarounds?
conda create -n aikit-modin intel-aikit-modin -c intel -c conda-forge
This command takes time to execute. As you can create modin environment using stock, you can execute the notebook using the below method.
, vscode
, mobaxterm
or openssh
. Setting up of devcloud connection should be done before going to the steps below. Please refer Connect to the Devcloud
option in https://devcloud.intel.com/oneapi/documentation/shell-commands/If you have connected to devcloud using any of the above terminals, please follow the below steps.
In the first terminal execute the following commands
ssh devcloud //(To connect to devcloud)
qsub -I //(to request compute node)
copy the compute node //(it would be of this format sXXX-nXXX)
conda create -n stock-modin modin -c conda-forge //(to create modin environment using stock)
source activate stock-modin //(activate modin environment)
conda install pip
conda install ipykernel //(package for creating kernels)
python -m ipykernel install --user --name myenv --display-name "Python (myenv)" //(command to create kernels)
jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=<desired_port_number> //(to launch Jupyter)
Copy any one of the URLs
“Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
http://localhost: <desired_port_number>/?token=2deea502bd258ed648f59eb11383bff4fd0edf5a4ce4f4f3or <desired_port_number>/?token=2deea502bd258ed648f59eb11383bff4fd0edf5a4ce4f4f3”
Run the below commands in another terminal: (Keep the first terminal open)
ssh -L <desired_port_number>:localhost: <desired_port_number> devcloud
ssh -L <desired_port_number>:localhost: <desired_port_number> <compute node you copied>