I am using MySQL v8.0.21 and mysqldump v8.0.23.
I have a table with the following schema:
mysql> desc resource_downloads;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| compositeId | varchar(250) | NO | PRI | NULL | STORED GENERATED |
| resourceId | int unsigned | NO | MUL | NULL | |
| userId | int unsigned | NO | MUL | NULL | |
| fileId | int unsigned | YES | MUL | NULL | |
and the following values:
mysql> select * from resource_downloads;
| compositeId | resourceId | userId | fileId |
| 24-150-NULL | 24 | 150 | NULL |
| 37-150-NULL | 37 | 150 | NULL |
| 56-150-48 | 56 | 150 | 48 |
| 56-150-NULL | 56 | 150 | NULL |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Here is the SQL statement to create the table:
CREATE TABLE `resource_downloads` (`compositeId` varchar(250) AS (CONCAT_WS('-', resourceId, userId, IFNULL(fileId, 'NULL'))) STORED NOT NULL, `resourceId` int UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `userId` int UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `fileId` int UNSIGNED NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`compositeId`)) ENGINE=InnoDB
When executing the following mysqldump command:
mysqldump -u $DB_USER -p$DB_PASSWORD $DB_NAME > dump.sql
it does produce the following for the resource_downloads
-- Dumping data for table `resource_downloads`
LOCK TABLES `resource_downloads` WRITE;
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `resource_downloads` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO `resource_downloads` (`resourceId`, `userId`, `fileId`) VALUES ,24,150,NULL),,24,150,NULL),37,150,NULL),,24,150,NULL),37,150,NULL),56,150,48),,24,150,NULL),37,150,NULL),56,150,48),56,150,NULL);
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `resource_downloads` ENABLE KEYS */;
which is corrupted as you can see, not a valid SQL statement.
I didn't found anything corresponding to this particular situation and I guess this is due to the generated stored column as it only appears after I introduced it in my db a few days ago.
Is there any workaround to this situation for me to be able to generate a usable dump of my database ? I could think of excluding this table from the dump but this is inconvenient...
If you move the generated column to the end, like this:
CREATE TABLE `resource_downloads` (
`resourceId` int UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`fileId` int UNSIGNED NULL,
`compositeId` varchar(250) AS (CONCAT_WS('-', resourceId, userId, IFNULL(fileId, 'NULL'))) STORED NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`compositeId`)
and not like this:
CREATE TABLE `resource_downloads` (
`compositeId` varchar(250) AS (CONCAT_WS('-', resourceId, userId, IFNULL(fileId, 'NULL'))) STORED NOT NULL,
`resourceId` int UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`fileId` int UNSIGNED NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`compositeId`)
The mysqldump seems to go OK. (Tested with mysqldump 8.0.25)