
How do I represent domain knowledge information with bnlearn

I am learning about Dynamic Bayesian Network models using the R package bnlearn. To this end, I am following this paper where they impose certain constraints in the form of 6 layers (Table 1 in the paper):

1   Gender, age at ALS onset    
2   Onset site, onset delta (start of the trial - onset)    
3   Riluzole intake, placebo/treatment  
4   Variables at time t-1   
5   Variables at time t, TSO    
6   Survival    

In this example, since gender and age are in the top layer they cannot be influenced by Riluzole intake but influence (or have a causal connection) Riluzole intake and ultimately survival. This guarantees acyclicality in the network, that is, we do not have non-ending feedback loops among the variables.

My question is, how can we model such prior knowledge using the R package bnlearn.


  • You can add domain knowledge or constraints to structure learning in a couple of ways.