Recently trying out Viper with my Cobra app to parse my config, but turned out that I couldn't parse the inner nested block. The map for ClustersOuter
is always empty, and I am sure the mapstructure is tagged correctly. I would prefer to use Viper Unmarshall feature rather than Getting the data type manually.
map[zones:[{ClustersOuter:map[] Id:1} {ClustersOuter:map[] Id:2}]]
Somehow it seems like I can only retrieve the zone
map and its ID, but not any map for the clusters
My inputs:
- id: 1
- cluster_id: 1
k3s_config_file: "k3s-cluster-1-config.yaml"
- cluster_id: 2
k3s_config_file: "k3s-cluster-2-config.yaml"
- cluster_id: 3
k3s_config_file: "k3s-cluster-3-config.yaml"
- id: 2
- cluster_id: 1
k3s_config_file: "k3s-cluster-1-config.yaml"
- cluster_id: 2
k3s_config_file: "k3s-cluster-2-config.yaml"
- cluster_id: 3
k3s_config_file: "k3s-cluster-3-config.yaml"
package config
type Zones struct {
ClustersOuter map[string][]ClustersOuter `mapstructure:"zones"`
Id int `mapstructure:"id"`
type ClustersInner struct {
ClusterId int `mapstructure:"cluster_id"`
K3sConfigFile string `mapstructure:"k3s_config_file"`
type ClustersOuter struct {
ClustersInner map[string][]ClustersInner `mapstructure:"clusters"`
type ConfigSuper map[string][]Zones
if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error reading config file, %s", err)
return false
var configuration config.ConfigSuper
err := viper.Unmarshal(&configuration)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to decode into struct, %v", err)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", configuration)
Your struct types do not reflect the YAML type, it looks like you've combined maps and slices together when you're only dealing with slices. In YAML, maps look like this:
key1: value1
and arrays look like this:
- foo: bar
Unfortunately, your config object is messed up enough that I can't understand the intent so I re-wrote it for you. These types can be decoded by Viper without any issues.
type Config struct {
Zones []Zone `mapstructure:"zones"`
type Zone struct {
ID int `mapstructure:"id"`
Clusters []Cluster `mapstructure:"clusters"`
type Cluster struct {
ClusterID int `mapstructure:"cluster_id"`
K3sConfigFile string `mapstructure:"k3s_config_file"`
The Config
struct is the root object, make sure to unmarshal into that.
config := Config{}
err = viper.Unmarshal(&config)