We have airflow running on kubernetes. Below is my airflowlocalsettings
airflowLocalSettings: |
from airflow.contrib.kubernetes.pod import Pod, Resources
from airflow.configuration import conf
def pod_mutation_hook(pod: Pod):
pod.labels.update({"app": "airflow-pod"})
pod.annotations.update({"iam.amazonaws.com/role": "role"})
pod.tolerations += [{"key": "spotInstance", "operator": "Exists"}]
pod.resources = Resources(limit_memory = "512Mi", limit_cpu = "300m")
"nodeAffinity": {
"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": [
{"weight": 100, "preference": {
"matchExpressions": [{
"key": "role.node.kubernetes.io/spot-worker",
"operator": "In",
"values": ["spot-worker"]
I want to launch a few selective task pods which have own resources passed through resources
parameter in KubernetesPodOperator
Now the issue is that Resources are being overwritten and it gets default resources from pod_mutation_hook
How can we bypass pod_mutation resources so that these pods can have their own resource settings? I cannot remove resource settings from pod_mutation_hook
because it is being used by other pods as well.
I solved this problem by tweaking pod_mutaion_hook code like below.
resources = pod.resources
is_class = isinstance(resources, Resources)
if is_class:
resource_flag = resources.is_empty_resource_request()
resource_flag = False
if resource_flag:
pod.resources = Resources(limit_memory="512Mi", limit_cpu="300m")
Basically i am checking if resources are already available in pod and then taking action.