Hi I hope someone can point me in the correct direction here.
I am trying to create some PS 5.1 code that can compare get-variable output at the start of a script with get-variable output generated when there is a error.
I would like to display name-value object information only if a new variable is created OR if its value differs from that generated at the start of the script.
I thought this would be fairly easy using compare-object but i am having difficulty getting this to work with value changes:
$PostscriptVar = Get-Variable
$NewVar1 = 1
$Avarchange = Get-Date
$EndscriptVar = get-variable
#This works for any new variables created.
compare-object $PostscriptVar $EndscriptVar -Property name
#This doesn't work for any change in values - i can't get this to work.
#compare-object $PostscriptVar $EndscriptVar -Property name,value
Any help would be appreciated.
I don't know why, but it seems to work if I only select the Name
and Value
properties from Get-Variable
Remove-Variable NewVar1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$Avarchange = Get-Date
$PostscriptVar = Get-Variable | Select-Object Name, Value
$NewVar1 = 1
$Avarchange = $Avarchange.AddDays(1)
$EndscriptVar = Get-Variable | Select-Object Name, Value
Compare-Object $PostscriptVar $EndscriptVar -Property Name, Value