Devs! I am using PdfDocument to try to save the text as a pdf file. So I wrote this code :
public void Convert(String text, String fileName){
PdfDocument myPdfDocument = new PdfDocument();
PdfDocument.PageInfo myPageInfo = new PdfDocument.PageInfo.Builder(this.pageWidth,this.pageHeight,this.pageNumber).create();
PdfDocument.Page myPage = myPdfDocument.startPage(myPageInfo);
Paint myPaint = new Paint();
Paint backPaint = new Paint();
//To find size of screen so that line is perfectly fit
DisplayMetrics dm = this.context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
int widthOfScreen = dm.widthPixels;
int periodForSplittingText = widthOfScreen / Math.round(this.textSize);
// To make line split in width of the screen here;
String insert = "\n";
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(
text.length() + insert.length() * (text.length()/periodForSplittingText)+1);
int index = 0;
String prefix = "";
while (index < text.length()){
prefix = insert;
builder.append(text.substring(index, Math.min(index + periodForSplittingText, text.length())));
index += periodForSplittingText;
String myString = builder.toString();
for (String line:myString.split("\n")){
myPage.getCanvas().drawText(line, this.x, this.y, myPaint);
// Started another page
myPage.getCanvas().drawText("Second Page Text", 14, 25, myPaint);
String myFilePath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath() + this.filePath + "/" + fileName;
File myFile = new File (myFilePath);
try {
myPdfDocument.writeTo(new FileOutputStream(myFile));
} catch (Exception e) {
But if I entered the long text then it is not able to create it on two pages. According to Android Developer's
This class enables generating a PDF document from native Android content. You create a new document and then for every page you want to add you start a page, write content to the page, and finish the page. After you are done with all pages, you write the document to an output stream and close the document. After a document is closed you should not use it anymore. Note that pages are created one by one, i.e. you can have only a single page to which you are writing at any given time. This class is not thread-safe.
But I am not understanding what does it mean? How can I solve this? Help
Edit: Now adding this
// Started another page
myPage.getCanvas().drawText("Second Page Text", 14, 25, myPaint);
results this error : Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void, float, float,' on a null object reference
When you start a new page you are not assigning it to a variable
Change to
// Started another page
myPage = myPdfDocument.startPage(myPageInfo);