
Why did my new python edited photo lose brightness?

I am working on a photo editing project and I am curious about why did my new photo lose it's brightness. The program shoud get 2 photos out of the original one. One of them shoud contain only RED value and the other shoud contain BLUE and GREEN values. But when I put them back together the brightness is not the same as in original picture.

Here is my code:

import io, re, requests
from PIL import  Image, ImageOps, ImageEnhance, ImageChops
import cv2
import numpy as np

imgpth ='image.jpg'

#red image
img2 ='RGB')
source = img2.split()
R, G, B = 0, 1, 2
out = source[G].point(lambda i: i * 0)
source[G].paste(out, None, None)
out = source[B].point(lambda i: i * 0)
source[B].paste(out, None, None)
img2 = Image.merge(img2.mode, source)

#green and blue image
img ='RGB')
source = img.split()
R, G, B = 0, 1, 2
out = source[R].point(lambda i: i * 0)
source[R].paste(out, None, None)
img = Image.merge(img.mode, source)

blend2 = Image.blend(img, img2, 0.5)

Original image : this is the origianl image

Output image: enter image description here


  • blend2 = Image.blend(img, img2, 0.5)

    The third argument, 0.5, is the alpha level of each layer. Essentially, you are setting each layer to be 50% transparent. This effectively reduces the brightness. Instead, you should read in img1 and img2 and then set the red layer of the second to the red layer of the first.

    img2[R] = img1[R]