
WEBHID API: Inputreport not triggering with barcode scanner

Im pretty much using the Nintendo Switch Joy-Con controllers demo which I've modified a little to make it work with my barcode scanner. And it just wont work and if it does work it works once in 100 site refreshes.

console.log = text => {
    log.textContent += `${text}\r\n`;
  let device;
  if (!("hid" in navigator)) {
    console.log("WebHID is not available yet.");
  navigator.hid.getDevices().then(devices => {
    if (devices.length == 0) {
      console.log(`No HID devices selected. Press the "request device" button.`);
    device = devices[0];
    console.log(`User previously selected "${device.productName}" HID device.`);
    console.log(`Now press "open device" button to receive input reports.`);
  requestDeviceButton.onclick = async event => { = "none";
    try {
        const filters = [
                vendorId: "8792", 
                productId: "9032"
      [device] = await navigator.hid.requestDevice({ filters });
      if (!device) return;
      console.log(`User selected "${device.productName}" HID device.`);
      console.log(`Now press "open device" button to receive input reports.`);
    } finally { = "";
  openButton.onclick = async event => {
    if (!device) return;
    console.log(`Waiting for user to press button...`);
    device.addEventListener("inputreport", event => {
      const { data, device, reportId } = event;
      if (device.productId != "9032") return;
      const value = data.getUint8(0);
      if (value == 0) return;
      console.log(`Data: ${value}.`);

openButton.onclick event fires everytime i scan something with the barcode scanner. And because of it, it tries to do again everytime i scan something. And inputreport event wont fire at all.

Does anyone have any idea what causes this?


  • Hey i switched to WEBUSB api and got it working after reinstalling winusb driver using zadig for the barcode scanner.

    Here is the code im using rn. If anyone is interested. RFID function is launched by a button press.

    const RFID = async () => {
    try {
      const filters = [{
        vendorId: 0x1A86
      const device = await navigator.usb.requestDevice({ filters })
      const configuration_number = 1  // device.configuration.configurationValue
      const interface_number = 0      // device.configuration.interfaces[1].interfaceNumber
      const interface_class = 255      // device.configuration.interfaces[1].alternates[0].interfaceClass
      console.log(`configuration number :  ${configuration_number}`);
      console.log(`interface number : ${interface_number} `);
      console.log(`interface class : ${interface_class} `);
      await device.selectConfiguration(configuration_number);
      await device.claimInterface(interface_number);
      await device.controlTransferOut({
        requestType: 'class',
        recipient: 'interface',
        request: 0x22,
        value: 0x10,
        index: interface_number
      const read = async (device) => {
        const result = await device.transferIn(2, 64);
        const decoder = new TextDecoder();
        const message = decoder.decode(;
        return message
      var m
      do {
        m = await read(device)
        setQR(oldArr => [...oldArr, m])
      } while (m.charCodeAt(0) !== 13)
    } catch (error) {