
Is there a way to find which direct solver is using solve()?

As the title says, is there a way to find out which matrix decomposition is applying the function solve() for a given sparse matrix in R? For example, in Matlab there is spparms('spumoni', 2); , which return some info about the algorithm used to solve the decomposition for the sparse matrix.


  • Well, running R one could get to

    > methods(solve)

    which will produce

    [1] solve.default solve.qr

    If you type

    > solve.default

    you'll get back

    function (a, b, tol = .Machine$double.eps, LINPACK = FALSE, ...)
        if (!missing(LINPACK))
            warning("the LINPACK argument has been defunct since R 3.1.0")
        if (is.complex(a) || (!missing(b) && is.complex(b))) {
            a <- as.matrix(a)
            if (missing(b)) {
                b <- diag(1 + (0+0i), nrow(a))
                colnames(b) <- rownames(a)
            return(.Internal(La_solve_cmplx(a, b)))
        if (inherits(a, "qr")) {
            warning("solve.default called with a \"qr\" object: use 'qr.solve'")
            return(solve.qr(a, b, tol))
        a <- as.matrix(a)
        if (missing(b)) {
            b <- diag(1, nrow(a))
            colnames(b) <- rownames(a)
        .Internal(La_solve(a, b, tol))

    which means it is either La_solve or La_solve_cmplx. Looking at their implementations e.g. here one could find out that La_solve will call LAPACK routine DGESV, and La_solve_cmplx will call LAPACK routine ZGESV.

    Easy, huh?