I am looking for regex (preferably in R
) which can replace (any number of) specific characters say ;
with say ;;
but only when not present inside parenthesis ()
inside the text string.
Note: 1. There may be more than one replacement character present inside parenthesis too
2. There are no nested parenthesis in the data/vector
to be replaced with text;;othertext
to be replaced with text;;other(texttt;some;someother);;more
. (i.e. ;
only outside ()
to be replaced with replacement text)Still if some clarification is needed I will try to explain
in_vec <- c("abcd;ghi;dfsF(adffg;adfsasdf);dfg;(asd;fdsg);ag", "zvc;dfasdf;asdga;asd(asd;hsfd)", "adsg;(asdg;ASF;DFG;ASDF;);sdafdf", "asagf;(fafgf;sadg;sdag;a;gddfg;fd)gsfg;sdfa")
#> [1] "abcd;ghi;dfsF(adffg;adfsasdf);dfg;(asd;fdsg);ag"
#> [2] "zvc;dfasdf;asdga;asd(asd;hsfd)"
#> [3] "adsg;(asdg;ASF;DFG;ASDF;);sdafdf"
#> [4] "asagf;(fafgf;sadg;sdag;a;gddfg;fd)gsfg;sdfa"
Expected output (calculated manually)
[1] "abcd;;ghi;;dfsF(adffg;adfsasdf);;dfg;;(asd;fdsg);;ag"
[2] "zvc;;dfasdf;;asdga;;asd(asd;hsfd)"
[3] "adsg;;(asdg;ASF;DFG;ASDF;);;sdafdf"
[4] "asagf;;(fafgf;sadg;sdag;a;gddfg;fd)gsfg;;sdfa"
You can use gsub
with ;(?![^(]*\\))
gsub(";(?![^(]*\\))", ";;", in_vec, perl=TRUE)
#[1] "abcd;;ghi;;dfsF(adffg;adfsasdf);;dfg;;(asd;fdsg);;ag"
#[2] "zvc;;dfasdf;;asdga;;asd(asd;hsfd)"
#[3] "adsg;;(asdg;ASF;DFG;ASDF;);;sdafdf"
#[4] "asagf;;(fafgf;sadg;sdag;a;gddfg;fd)gsfg;;sdfa"
finds ;
, (?!)
.. Negative Lookahead (make the replacement when it does not match), [^(]
.. everything but not (
, *
repeat the previous 0 to n times, \\)
.. flowed by )
gsub(";(?=[^)]*($|\\())", ";;", in_vec, perl=TRUE)
#[1] "abcd;;ghi;;dfsF(adffg;adfsasdf);;dfg;;(asd;fdsg);;ag"
#[2] "zvc;;dfasdf;;asdga;;asd(asd;hsfd)"
#[3] "adsg;;(asdg;ASF;DFG;ASDF;);;sdafdf"
#[4] "asagf;;(fafgf;sadg;sdag;a;gddfg;fd)gsfg;;sdfa"
finds ;
, (?=)
.. Positive Lookahead (make the replacement when it does match), [^)]
.. everything but not )
, *
repeat the previous 0 to n times, ($|\\()
.. match end $
or (
Or using gregexpr
and regmatches
extracting the part between (
and )
and making the replacement in the non-matched substrings:
x <- gregexpr("\\(.*?\\)", in_vec) #Find the part between ( and )
mapply(function(a, b) {
paste(matrix(c(gsub(";", ";;", b), a, ""), 2, byrow=TRUE), collapse = "")
}, regmatches(in_vec, x), regmatches(in_vec, x, TRUE))
#[1] "abcd;;ghi;;dfsF(adffg;adfsasdf);;dfg;;(asd;fdsg);;ag"
#[2] "zvc;;dfasdf;;asdga;;asd(asd;hsfd)"
#[3] "adsg;;(asdg;ASF;DFG;ASDF;);;sdafdf"
#[4] "asagf;;(fafgf;sadg;sdag;a;gddfg;fd)gsfg;;sdfa"
But all of them will work only for simple open (
close )