Currently when id is provided to findOneAndUpdate, it doesn't return auto generated id.
So I have created extension method to overcome this issue. But typescript is complaining about typings. Need help with that.
I have created extension method as below.
declare module 'mongoose' {
interface Model<T>
extends NodeJS.EventEmitter,
AcceptsDiscriminator {
filter?: FilterQuery<T>,
update?: UpdateQuery<T>,
options?: QueryOptions | null,
callback?: (err: any, doc: T | null, res: any) => void,
): Promise<QueryWithHelpers<T | null, T>>; // Here I am getting error as "Type 'T' does not satisfy the constraint 'Document<any, {}>'"
mongoose.model.prototype.findOneAndUpsert = async function <
T extends mongoose.Document<any, {}>
filter?: FilterQuery<T>,
update?: UpdateQuery<T>,
options?: QueryOptions | null,
callback?: (err: any, doc: T | null, res: any) => void,
): Promise<QueryWithHelpers<T | null, T>> {
const model = this as mongoose.Model<T>;
if ( {
return model.findOneAndUpdate(filter, update);
} else {
return model.findById((await model.create((update as any).$set)).id);
I want to use it like below.
datasource = await DatasourceModel(
await this.projectContext,
{ id: },
$set: {
type: datasource.type,
source: datasource.source,
My datasource model looks like below.
export class Datasource extends ModelBase {
authTokenId?: number;
export const DatasourceModel = (connection: Connection) => {
return getModelForClass(Datasource, connection);
during declaration I am getting error as "Type 'T' does not satisfy the constraint 'Document<any, {}>'"?
If I write "T extends mongoose.Document<any, {}>"
in model declaration, then not giving error, but then during calling the method it gives error as "Property 'name' is missing in type 'Document<any, {}>' but required in type 'Datasource'"
Can anyone help with that what I need to do here?
ok following signature worked for me. I was adding extends to both signature and actual implementation. But in model signature extend is not required as by default it goes to extended only.
declare module 'mongoose' {
interface Model<T>
extends NodeJS.EventEmitter,
AcceptsDiscriminator {
filter?: FilterQuery<T>,
update?: UpdateQuery<T>,
options?: QueryOptions | null,
callback?: (err: any, doc: T | null, res: any) => void,
): Promise<T>;