I want to show the investigator's name and title in one row.
How can I make the title column as title1, title2, title 3, or so on dynamically in SQL Oracle?
The number of titles can vary so if there is an investigator with 4 titles, then there would be 4 columns title1, title2, title3, title4.
This is my current query:
SELECT al.name, al.title_name FROM INVESTIGATOR a1
There is no max number for titles but by looking at the data I think I can set it to a fixed number
If you can pick a maximum number of titles then you don't need to do this dynamically.
If you apply a ranking to each title for each name, with something like:
select name,
dense_rank() over (partition by name order by title_name) as rnk
from investigator
which puts them in alphabetic order, but you can choose a different order if you prefer; then you pivot the result of that query:
select *
from (
select name,
dense_rank() over (partition by name order by title_name) as rnk
from investigator
pivot (
for (rnk) in (
1 as title1, 2 as title2, 3 as title3, 4 as title4
I've gone with a maximum of four titles, but you can add as many as you think you might reasonably need.
how can I name my columns Title1, title2, title3...
I've done that using aliases in the pivot's in()
With your example data that gives output:
---- ------ ------ ------ ------
Gyu AP
If you aren't on 11g or higher then you can do a manual pivot, which is essentiuall what Oracle is doing behind the scenes anyway:
select name,
max(case when rnk = 1 then title_name end) as title1,
max(case when rnk = 2 then title_name end) as title2,
max(case when rnk = 3 then title_name end) as title3,
max(case when rnk = 4 then title_name end) as title4
from (
select name,
dense_rank() over (partition by name order by title_name) as rnk
from investigator
group by name
which gets the same result.