I am trying use a feature policy, serial, in my google add-on. I am having difficulty trying to enable this particular feature policy inside an iframe, mainly I believe is because the parent iframes don't have it enabled. Below is what the iframe DOM tree looks like. I don't have access to "sandboxFrame" and "userHtmlFrame" directly, so I cannot change its allowed features. Even if I set 'serial' in the most child iframe, I cannot find the 'serial' feature enabled in its featurePolicy.
<iframe id="sandboxFrame" allow="accelerometer *; ambient-light-sensor *; autoplay *; camera *; clipboard-read *; clipboard-write *; encrypted-media *; fullscreen *; geolocation *; gyroscope *; magnetometer *; microphone *; midi *; payment *; picture-in-picture *; screen-wake-lock *; speaker *; sync-xhr *; usb *; web-share *; vibrate *; vr *" sandbox="allow-downloads allow-forms allow-modals allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-same-origin allow-scripts" src="https://...-script.googleusercontent.com/...">
<iframe id="userHtmlFrame" allow="accelerometer *; ambient-light-sensor *; autoplay
*; camera *; clipboard-read *; clipboard-write *; encrypted-media *; fullscreen *;
geolocation *; gyroscope *; magnetometer *; microphone *; midi *; payment *; picture-
in-picture *; screen-wake-lock *; speaker *; sync-xhr *; usb *; web-share *; vibrate
*; vr *" src="/blank" title="">
<iframe id="myIframe" allow="serial *;" sandbox="allow-forms allow-modals allow-popups allow-presentation allow-same-origin allow-scripts" src="...external website in
GitHub Pages">
If anyone acquainted with google add-ons can prove me wrong about anything that would be great. I would appreciate any kind of help.
Thank you.
<iframe scr='https://example.com' allow="fullscreen 'self'">
// the permission for fullscreen is 'self' (== http://example.com)
// but main thing is this is that iframe HAS that permission, therefore
// it can grant it to any nested context with ANY origin:
<iframe src='https://www.youtube.com' allow="fullscreen https://www.youtube.com">
// will get permission of fullscreen mode for https://www.youtube.com origin
In the parent iframe the serial
Feature Policy directive is not specified in the allow='...'
attribute. That means this feature is allowed with the default value - 'src'
. Therefore parent iframe has implicitly permission for serial
, so it can pass it into any nested iframe.
I hear nothing about the serial
Feature Policy directive, is it supported?