
VBScript convert date to string

So I have a possibly simple question that I can not find the answer to.

I am writing a VBScript that will move a subfolder from one folder to another. When moving I want to append the date onto the subfolders name. I have everything working, except I can not figure out how to convert the date to a string so that it can be added to the folder name.

curDate =  Month(Date) + "_" + Day(Date) + "_" + Year(Date) + "_" + Time

If  fs.FolderExists(rsltFldrPath) Then

'Grab folder and Subfolders
Set fldr = fs.GetFolder(rsltFldrPath)
Set subFldr = fldr.SubFolders

For each folder in subFldr
    moveTo = archFldrPath + "\" + curDate
    fs.MoveFolder folder, moveTo
End If

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


  • The string concatenation operator in VBScript is "&", so a quick fix would be:

    >> curDate =  Month(Date) & "_" & Day(Date) & "_" & Year(Date) & "_" & Time
    >> WScript.Echo curDate
    7_22_2011_5:32:55 PM

    If you specify the exact desired result, I'm willing to propose a better way to achieve your goal.