
Cannot see my image because = CORB blocked cross-origin response

Hi i have a little problem, i use the GIPHY-api to get GIFS (obviously) and when i get the url of the Gifs i need, i put them into my img src element. But CORB seems blocking the url for some reason

when i console.log the[0].url i get this url =

here's the code :

function verwerkData(data) {
    gifContainer.innerHTML += `<img src="${[0].url}" title="${[0].title}"/>`;

The error = Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked cross-origin response with MIME type text/html. See for more details.


  • As Quentin mentioned it before, you have to find the image URL, not the page URL containing the image URL. You have two options. First, go by yourself, if it's not a dynamic web page, on the Giphy page, and search by yourself the image :

    Else, using XHR or a backend request, perform a regex on the response content to extract the image. For the example :

    const regex = /https:\/\/.*giphy.*\/media\/\w+\/giphy.gif\?cid=[a-f0-9]+&rid=giphy\.gif&ct=g/gi