
Nock: nock.load does not work as expected

I am trying to load a JSON file that contains a mock response with the Nock function: nock.load(filePath). Oddly, the test fails with error:

TypeError: nockDefs.forEach is not a function

If I replace the nock.load call with raw JSON, the test runs fine. This is my test code:

describe('Sample description', function () {

  it('sample desc', function () {
    .reply(200, nock.load('tests/responses/get_response_200.json'));

    return api
      .then(res => expect(res){
          first_name: "Ada",
          last_name: "Obi"


I have verified that my JSON file contains valid JSON and I've even tried experimenting with simpler JSON structures but the same error message persists.

I am using the latest version of nock at this time: 13.1.0. What could be the reason for this behaviour?


  • nock.load is for importing recorded Nock responses, not loading arbitrary JSON.

    What you want is .replyWithFile():

      .replyWithFile(200, 'tests/responses/get_response_200.json')

    Or, you can load and parse the JSON yourself, either using require() or JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('tests/responses/get_response_200.json', 'utf-8')).