Event hub trigger binding registration failing when deploying the code from zipped code in a storage account using the app setting, WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE
. Giving the following error:
The binding type(s) eventHubTrigger are not registered
The same code works fine when unzipped deployed through VS code.
"version": "2.0",
"extensionBundle": {
"id": "Microsoft.Azure.Functions.ExtensionBundle",
"version": "[2.*, 3.0.0)"
"bindings": [
"type": "eventHubTrigger",
"name": "myEventHubMessage",
"direction": "in",
"eventHubName": "eventHubName",
"connection": "myEventHubReadConnectionAppSetting"
Update the host.json and Add "extensions"
"version": "2.0",
"extensions": {
"blobs": {},
"cosmosDb": {},
"durableTask": {},
"eventHubs": {},
"http": {},
"queues": {},
"sendGrid": {},
"serviceBus": {}
"extensionBundle": {
"id": "Microsoft.Azure.Functions.ExtensionBundle",
"version": "[2.*, 3.0.0)"