I would like to change the error message that is displayed in situations where we click the submit button, but some compulsory fields are empty. The message that I receive by default is "Please check the form and correct all errors before submitting the form". I want to use instead a custom message. Is there a way to achieve this ?
You can override the error message by adding to the options when creating a form:
var options = {
i18n: {
en: {
submitError: 'My custom submission error',
And then later you're probably doing a call to Formio.createForm(Formio.createForm(document.getElementById(settings.id), formDefinitionUrl, options) which is where the options object you need is found.
Here's a list of the strings you can override this way: https://github.com/formio/formio.js/blob/master/src/translations/en.js