
How can I get the changefeeds Monitored Collection name into my ChangesHander - Containers.ChangesHander<T> (Azure Cosmos v3)

I have a service that spawns off a number of Changefeeds to monitor a number of different Cosmos DB collections. In v1 or 2,the ChangefeedObserver class included the ChangefeedObserverContext from which I could extract the collection name from.

  public Task ProcessChangesAsync(IChangeFeedObserverContext context, IReadOnlyList<Document> deltas, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        string observerCollection = string.Empty;
            Regex rx = new Regex(@"\b(\w+$)");
            observerCollection = rx.Match(context.FeedResponse.ContentLocation).Value.ToString();

In v3, instead of passing a type as you processor, you pass it a delegate method whose signature no longer contains the context

MS Docs Container.ChangesHandlerDelegate

Change Feed Processor

    private ChangeFeedProcessor ChangeFeedInitialize(Container leasingContainer, Container monitoringContainer, string hostName)
        ChangeFeedProcessor changeFeedProcessor = monitoringContainer
            .GetChangeFeedProcessorBuilder<Document>(hostName, this.HandleChangesAsync)

        return changeFeedProcessor;

    private async Task HandleChangesAsync(IReadOnlyCollection<Document> changes, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        ILogger logger = AnalyticsHelper.BuildMeMyLogger(this.loggerFactory);

            AnalyticsChangefeedProcessor changefeedProcessor = new AnalyticsChangefeedProcessor();
            await changefeedProcessor.HandleChangesAsync(changes, this.analyticsContext.DataLakeStorageProvider, "CollectionName", logger);
        catch (Exception ex)
            logger.LogFailure($"Failed to process changes: {ex.Message}", TagIds.ExceptionAnalytics, ex);

In the above coded, I have a basic method that creates the Changefeed (gets started via a timer), and the the delegate method that sends the processing off to a larger class to take actions, depending on the monitored collection.

So, how can I get this changefeeds Monitored Collection value into the ChangesHander?


  • You already have the reference, you can inject it or reference it.

    private ChangeFeedProcessor ChangeFeedInitialize(Container leasingContainer, Container monitoringContainer, string hostName)
        ChangeFeedProcessor changeFeedProcessor = monitoringContainer
                    (IReadOnlyCollection<Document> changes, CancellationToken cancellationToken) => 
                        this.HandleChangesAsync(monitoringContainer, changes, cancellationToken))
        return changeFeedProcessor;
    private async Task HandleChangesAsync(Container monitoringContainer, IReadOnlyCollection<Document> changes, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        ILogger logger = AnalyticsHelper.BuildMeMyLogger(this.loggerFactory);
            AnalyticsChangefeedProcessor changefeedProcessor = new AnalyticsChangefeedProcessor();
            await changefeedProcessor.HandleChangesAsync(changes, this.analyticsContext.DataLakeStorageProvider, "CollectionName", logger);
        catch (Exception ex)
            logger.LogFailure($"Failed to process changes: {ex.Message}", TagIds.ExceptionAnalytics, ex);