
CMake add_custom_target COMMAND find files and exec

I have a .cmake file and I have a custom target in which I need to add a command to find and sign apk files. I do the following:

add_custom_target(${APK_BUILD_TARGET} ALL

  COMMAND find ${APK_DIR} -name "*.apk" -exec jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore myKey.keystore -storepass myStorePass -keypass myKeyPass {} myName \;


I keep getting the error

find: missing argument to `-exec'

If I execute the command alone, in a console, it works fine. I have the same problem with a simple echo command:

COMMAND find ${APK_DIR} -name "*.apk" -exec echo {} \;

I assume something is missing when doing that in COMMAND of add_custom_target, but what?


This work for echo command but not for jarsigner which still gives the previous error:

COMMAND find ${APK_DIR} -name "*.apk" -exec echo {} +


  • Following this post How to use find -exec in CMake execute_process?

    I finally got the correct command line:

    add_custom_target(${APK_BUILD_TARGET} ALL
      COMMAND find ${APK_DIR} -name "*.apk" -exec jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore myKey.keystore -storepass myStorePass -keypass myKeyPass {} myName "\;"

    So with "\;" instead of just \;