
Room SELECT Query for 1-n hashmap relationship

I have the following ORM model: enter image description here

Basically I want to track all public facilities of a state. So I have 1-n Relationship with a public facility like e.g. school:

public class StateWithFacilities {

    State  state;
    @Relation(entity = School.class,parentColumn = "schoolId",entityColumn = "id")
    ArrayList<School> allSchools;

The issue is that, I'm don't quite sure how to get allLocations which belong to a school, as a school has a HashMap of locations where the value represents to cost of the building.

My 1) idea looks like this:

public class StateWithFacilities {

    State  state;
    @Relation(entity = School.class,parentColumn = "schoolId",entityColumn = "id")
    ArrayList<SchoolWithLocations> allSchools;

public class SchoolWithLocations {
    School school;
    @Relation(entity = Location.class,parentColumn = "locationId",entityColumn = "id")
    HashMap<Location, float> alllocationsWithCost;

The proposed idea wouldn't work, since I can't keep track of the cost of the building. What would the best solution be? I want to have the implemented, rather than creating a new table/entity class unless I don't have another option.


  • I think you might be causing yourself angst because of how you are handling the relationships.

    Considering StateWithFacilities

    You appear to be saying get the school who's id is equal to the schoolId column in the state.

    While the realtionship should be from a column in the School that stores the appropriate StateId.

    You appear to be using the reverse.


    Perhaps consider this example based upon what you appear to be wanting to do: (States, Schools and Locations have been given a name column to make the output easier to understand)-

    State class (Entity and therefore Table) which is top of the hierarchy.

    public class State {
        Long stateId;
        String stateName;
        // etc //
        public State(){}
        public State(String stateName){
            this.stateName = stateName;
        .... getters and setters

    School class (Entity and therefore Table) which will belong to a State.

            foreignKeys = {
                    @ForeignKey(entity = State.class,parentColumns = "stateId",childColumns = "stateIdMap"),
            indices = {@Index("stateIdMap")}
    public class School {
        Long schoolId;
        Long stateIdMap;
        String schoolName;
        // etc
        public School(){}
        public School(String schoolName, long stateId) {
            this.schoolName = schoolName;
            this.stateIdMap = stateId;
        .... getters and setters

    Location class (Entity and therefore Table) which will belong to a School (a Scholl can have many Locations).

            foreignKeys = {
                    @ForeignKey(entity = School.class,parentColumns = "schoolId",childColumns = "schoolIdMap")
            indices = {@Index("schoolIdMap")}
    public class Location {
        Long locationId;
        Long schoolIdMap;
        String locationName;
        float x1;
        float y1;
        float x2;
        float y2;
        // etc
        public Location(){}
        public Location(String locationName,long schoolId, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
            this.locationName = locationName;
            this.schoolIdMap = schoolId;
            this.x1 = x1;
            this.y1 = y1;
            this.x2 = x2;
            this.y2 = y2;
        .... getters and setters

    To cater for retrieving a parent with it's children the following POJO's are used :-


    public class SchoolWithLocations {
        School school;
        @Relation(entity = Location.class,parentColumn = "schoolId",entityColumn = "schoolIdMap")
        List<Location> locationList;


    public class StateWithSchoolsWithLocations {
        State state;
        @Relation(entity = School.class, parentColumn = "stateId",entityColumn = "stateIdMap")
        List<SchoolWithLocations> schoolWithLocationsList;

    A Dao AllDao with some common useful Dao's :-

    interface AllDao {
        long insert(State state);
        long[] insert(State...states);
        long insert(Location location);
        long[] insert(Location...locations);
        long insert(School school);
        long[] insert(School...schools);
        @Query("SELECT * FROM State")
        List<State> getAllStates();
        @Query("SELECT * FROM State WHERE stateId=:stateId")
        State getStateById(long stateId);
        @Query("SELECT * FROM Location")
        List<Location> getAllLocations();
        @Query("SELECT * FROM Location WHERE locationId=:locationId")
        Location getLocationById(long locationId);
        @Query("SELECT * FROM Location WHERE x1=:x1 AND y1=:y1 AND x2=:x2 AND y2=:y2")
        Location getLocationByCoords(float x1,float y1,float x2,float y2);
        @Query("SELECT * FROM School")
        List<School> getAllSchools();
        @Query("SELECT * FROM State")
        List<StateWithSchoolsWithLocations> getStateWithSchoolsAndLocations();
        @Query("SELECT * FROM State WHERE stateId=:stateId")
        List<StateWithSchoolsWithLocations> getStateByIdWithSchoolsAndLocations(long stateId);

    A Database class TheDatabase

    @Database(entities = {State.class,Location.class,School.class},exportSchema = false,version = 1)
    abstract class TheDatabase extends RoomDatabase {
        abstract AllDao getAllDao();
        private static volatile TheDatabase instance;
        public static TheDatabase getInstance(Context context) {
            if (instance == null) {
                instance = Room.databaseBuilder(
            return instance;

    And finally and activity to demonstrate (run on the main thread) :-

    public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
        TheDatabase db;
        AllDao dao;
        static final String TAG = "StateINFO";
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            //Instantiate Database and get dao
            db = TheDatabase.getInstance(this);
            dao = db.getAllDao();
            // Add 3 states
            long s1Id = dao.insert(new State("State1"));
            long s2Id = dao.insert(new State("State2"));
            // Add 2 Schools (in State1)
            long sc1 = dao.insert(new School("School1 in State1",s1Id));
            long sc2 = dao.insert(new School("School2 in State1",s1Id));
            // Add 4 Locations
            long l1Id = dao.insert(new Location("Loc1",sc1,1f,1f,2f,2f));
            long l2Id = dao.insert(new Location("Loc2",sc1,2f,2f,3f,3f));
            long l3Id = dao.insert(new Location("Loc3",sc1,3f,3f,4f,4f));
            long l4Id = dao.insert(new Location("Loc4",sc2,4f,4f,5f,5f));
            // Get Everything via State
            for (StateWithSchoolsWithLocations swswl: dao.getStateWithSchoolsAndLocations() ) {
                Log.d(TAG,"State is " + swswl.state.stateName);
                for (SchoolWithLocations s: swswl.schoolWithLocationsList) {
                    Log.d(TAG,"\tSchool is " + s.school.schoolName);
                    for (Location l: s.locationList) {
                        Log.d(TAG,"\t\tLocation is " + l.locationName + " XYvalues are X1=" + l.x1 + " Y1=" + l.y2 + " X2=" + l.x2 + " Y2=" + l.y2);


    As can be seen it's easy to retrieve all the locations and the x1..Y2 values. The log, when the above is run, includes :-

    2021-06-13 08:53:40.748 D/StateINFO: State is State1
    2021-06-13 08:53:40.748 D/StateINFO:    School is School1 in State1
    2021-06-13 08:53:40.748 D/StateINFO:        Location is Loc1 XYvalues are X1=1.0 Y1=2.0 X2=2.0 Y2=2.0
    2021-06-13 08:53:40.748 D/StateINFO:        Location is Loc2 XYvalues are X1=2.0 Y1=3.0 X2=3.0 Y2=3.0
    2021-06-13 08:53:40.748 D/StateINFO:        Location is Loc3 XYvalues are X1=3.0 Y1=4.0 X2=4.0 Y2=4.0
    2021-06-13 08:53:40.748 D/StateINFO:    School is School2 in State1
    2021-06-13 08:53:40.748 D/StateINFO:        Location is Loc4 XYvalues are X1=4.0 Y1=5.0 X2=5.0 Y2=5.0
    2021-06-13 08:53:40.748 D/StateINFO: State is State2

    I want to have the implemented, rather than creating a new table/entity class unless I don't have another option.

    Whether or not the above could be used to make appropriate corrections to keep your current tables is something that you would have to determine.

    Additional re HashMaps

    The method added to SchoolWithLocations POJO :-

    public HashMap<String,Float> getLocationsAsHashMap() {
        HashMap<String,Float> rv = new HashMap<>();
        for (Location l: locationList) {
            String basekey = this.getClass().getSimpleName() + (rv.size() + 1);
            rv.put(basekey+ "y1",l.y1);
        return rv;

    The method added to School

    public HashMap<String,Float> getLocationsAsHashMap(AllDao dao) {
        HashMap<String,Float> rv = new HashMap<>();
        for(Location l: dao.getLocationsBySchool(schoolId)) {
            String basekey = this.getClass().getSimpleName() + (rv.size() + 1);
            rv.put(basekey+ "y1",l.y1);
        return rv;


    The following was added to AllDao to facilitate getting the applicable Locations for the School :-

    @Query("SELECT * FROM location WHERE schoolIdMap=:schoolId")
    List<Location> getLocationsBySchool(long schoolId);

    The Amended loop that traverses the retrieved List of StateWithSchoolsWithLocations

        // Get Everything via State
        HashMap<String,Float> locations = new HashMap<>(); //<<<<< ADDED
        HashMap<String,Float> locationsFromSchool = new HashMap<>(); //<<<<<ADDDED
        for (StateWithSchoolsWithLocations swswl: dao.getStateWithSchoolsAndLocations() ) {
            Log.d(TAG,"State is " + swswl.state.stateName);
            for (SchoolWithLocations s: swswl.schoolWithLocationsList) {
                Log.d(TAG,"\tSchool is " + s.school.schoolName);
                for (Location l: s.locationList) {
                    Log.d(TAG,"\t\tLocation is " + l.locationName + " XYvalues are X1=" + l.x1 + " Y1=" + l.y2 + " X2=" + l.x2 + " Y2=" + l.y2);
                /* ADDED get HashMap of Locations */
                locations = s.getLocationsAsHashMap();
                /* OR */
                locationsFromSchool = s.school.getLocationsAsHashMap(dao);
                Float value = 99.99999F; //<<<<< ADDED for setting a breakpoint

    Result of the Amended Code

    A breakpoint was added to the Line Float value = 99.99999F and run in debug mode.

    When the Breakpoint was first hit (first StateWithSchoolsAndWithLocations) the debug window was :-

    enter image description here

    The Second Breakpoint :- enter image description here