
Laravel Access npm packages in .blade.php js

What is proper way to access npm package in js_section of blade.php file


import Twilio from 'twilio-video';
window.Twilio = Twilio;

also tried with:





        const {connect} = require('twilio-video');

        connect('{{$result['token']}}', {name: 'test2'}).then(room => {
            console.log(`Successfully joined a Room: ${room}`);
            room.on('participantConnected', participant => {
                console.log(`A remote Participant connected: ${participant}`);
        }, error => {
            console.error(`Unable to connect to Room: ${error.message}`);

ERROR: Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined


  • require() is not built in into the browser it is a node environment feature. So it has no access from a blade template. What can you do is to compile another js file in your webpack.mix.js and pass token into from a hidden input.

    Write your code in custom.js

    const {connect} = require('twilio-video');
    // it will contain $result['token']
    const roomToken = document.querySelector('.room-token').value;
    connect(roomToken, {name: 'test2'}).then(room => {
      console.log(`Successfully joined a Room: ${room}`);
      room.on('participantConnected', participant => {
        console.log(`A remote Participant connected: ${participant}`);
    }, error => {
      console.error(`Unable to connect to Room: ${error.message}`);

    Add it in webpack.mix.js and compile (with npm run dev for example - depends on your package.json scripts and environment)

    let mix = require('laravel-mix');
    mix.js('path/to/custom.js', 'public/folder');

    and in your blade.php

        <input type="hidden" class="room-token" value="{{ $result['token'] }}" />
        <script src="{{ asset( 'path/to/complied/custom.js' ) }}"></script>