Currently, I am using @ApiExcludeEndpoint() ### on top of all methods to hide the end-point in the swagger-ui, like this:
import { Controller, Get, Query, Param } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ResourceService } from './resource.service';
import { Auth } from 'src/auth/auth.decorator';
import {
} from '@nestjs/swagger';
export class ResourceController {
constructor(private readonly resourceService: ResourceService) {}
description: 'Resources list has succesfully been returned',
@ApiForbiddenResponse({ description: 'You are not allowed' })
findAll(@Query() query: any): any {
@ApiOkResponse({ description: 'Resource has succesfully been returned' })
@ApiForbiddenResponse({ description: 'You are not allowed' })
findById(@Param('id') id: string, @Query() query: any): any {
I Need to know is there a way to hide all the end-point in the controller using a single decorator, I checked some documents it says to use @ApiIgnore() and @Hidden() but I can't find those in nestjs-swagger. Please comment on this
One possibility is to explicitly include the modules that you'd like to include in the swagger docs instead of just "including all modules" by default. Example:
const options = new DocumentBuilder()
.setTitle('Cats example')
.setDescription('The cats API description')
const catDocument = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, options, {
include: [LionsModule, TigersModule], // don't include, say, BearsModule
SwaggerModule.setup('api/cats', app, catDocument);
Without the explicit include:[]
property, LionsModule
, TigersModule
, and BearsModule
would be automatically included.