
Accessing sub-directory file content using showDirectoryPicker()

Using the File System Access API, how would I access the files contained within a folder of the chosen directory?

document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', async () => {
  const dirHandle = await window.showDirectoryPicker();
  for await (const entry of dirHandle.values()) {
    if (entry.kind === "file"){
      const file = await entry.getFile();
      const text = await file.text();
    if (entry.kind === "directory"){
      /* for file in this directory do something */ 
<button>Choose Directory</button>


  • You need to call the dirHandle.getDirectoryHandle(name, options) method, with the name parameter set to your entry's .name.

    Here is an example code that will walk through a passed directory and build a tree of the files it found.

    btn.onclick = async (evt) => {
      const out = {};
      const dirHandle = await showDirectoryPicker();  
      await handleDirectoryEntry( dirHandle, out );
      console.log( out );
    async function handleDirectoryEntry( dirHandle, out ) {
      for await (const entry of dirHandle.values()) {
        if (entry.kind === "file"){
          const file = await entry.getFile();
          out[ ] = file;
        if (entry.kind === "directory") {
          const newHandle = await dirHandle.getDirectoryHandle(, { create: false } );
          const newOut = out[ ] = {};
          await handleDirectoryEntry( newHandle, newOut );

    Live demo, edit code.