
Azure Cognitive Services - Face API - how do I compare two persistedFaceIds?

I have an Azure Face comparison application that compares two non-persistent faceIds.

The following question deals with non-persistent faceIds vs persistedFaceIds:

Microsoft Cognitive - Face API - Using persistedFaceId to Face to Face verification

It's really unclear to me how to compare two persistedFaceIds, despite staring at the API reference.

Can I persistently extract faceAttributes for two distinct images, then compare the two persistedFaceId?

And if so - how?


  • Face Lists was introduced to overcome this limitation.

    With Face Lists, you can add multiple FaceIDs to a list which is persisted and use this Face List as a target for the Find-Similar API call. A face list holds a maximum of 1,000 faces. PersistedFaceId represents the added face. No image will be stored. Only the extracted face feature will be stored on server until FaceList - Delete Face or FaceList - Delete is called.

    Note persistedFaceId is different from faceId generated by Face - Detect.

    To get face information inside faceList use FaceList - Get (Retrieve a face list’s faceListId, name, userData, recognitionModel and faces in the face list.)

    API Refer:
