I'm writing my feature file SpecFlow and I'm looking to use numbers as a just a description. For example :
Given Site is displayed
When I check column1
And column2
Then values are correct.
However in the word column1, 1 is actually read as a parameter instead of a description and the method generated for the line is column(.*) instead of column1. And because of this, since I have another line for column2, only 1 method is generated for then "When" & "And" statement.
This is incorrect as I would need to check the elements for both column1 and column2. Is there a way for us to just use numbers as description in the feature file instead of parameters?
You can either modify the step definition or surround the column name in double quotes.
Option A) Modify the step definition:
[When(@"I check ([^ ]+)$")]
public void WhenICheckColumn(string columnName)
// Check the column
Option B) Surround column name in double quotes
Change the step itself:
When I check "column1"
Then change the step definition to:
[When(@"I check ""(.*)""")]
public void WhenICheckColumn(string columnName)
// Check the column