I have big data at excel, and some cells contains html codes. These cells have line breaks in them. I tried to replace line breaks (Alt+010, \n) but excel said there is no char like this.
When I copied cell to notepad, there is no line break.
When I copied from notepad to phpmyadmin sql area or textpad, I see line breaks again.
There are notepad, textpad and phpmyadmin sql area screenshots below. How can I remove these invisible line breaks?
This could be a problem with Carriage Return + Line Feed. When you press Alt+Enter in Excel it only incerts a Line Feed. But if you somehow get both Carriage Return + Line Feed in a cell that could leed to additional problems. See this page for solutions: https://www.ablebits.com/office-addins-blog/2013/12/03/remove-carriage-returns-excel/