I've got a Rails 5.2 application using ActiveStorage and S3 but I've been having intermittent timeout issues. I'm also just a bit more comfortable with shrine from another app.
I've been trying to create a rake task to just loop through all the records with ActiveStorage attachments and reupload them as Shrine attachments, but I've been having a few issues.
I've tried to do it through URL and through tempfiles, but I'm not exactly sure of the right steps to fetch the activestorage version and to get it uploaded to S3 and saved on the record as a shrine attachment.
I've tried the rake task here, but I think the method is only available on rails 6.
Any tips or suggestions?
I'm sure it's not the most efficient, but it worked.
task :listing_images => :environment do
listings = Listing.all
listings.each do |listing|
if listing.exterior.attached?
# fetch file and save to tempfile
tempfile = Tempfile.new([listing.exterior.filename.base.to_s, listing.exterior.filename.extension_with_delimiter.to_s], Rails.root.join('tmp'))
listing.exterior.send(:download_blob_to, tempfile)
# upload to S3 through shrine and save on column
uploader = ImageUploader.new(:store)
uploaded_file = uploader.upload(File.open(tempfile.path))
listing.update_columns(exterior_image_data: uploaded_file.to_json)
# generate different image sizes
generate_derivatives(listing.reload, view)