I am using tkinter to make a GUI. I want some widgets to appear only if some parameters are chosen. I have used the method .pack_forget() for this. However, now I have another issue. I made a condition on an OptionMenu that will make appear wheather a ComboBox or an Entry, depending on what chose the user. But I cannot manage to make one of the two widgets disappears if the user changes his choice.
Here is my code:
# Creation of Frame 4 #
Frame4 = tk.Frame(fenetre)
Frame4.pack(anchor = tk.NW, padx = 5, pady = 5)
# label4 creation #
label4 = tk.Label(Frame4, text = "what is the format?", font = ('Arial', '12'))
label4.pack(side = tk.LEFT)
# Création de la commande #
def Format_choice(self):
global Format
if choice.get() != Format:
Format = choice.get()
if Format == "CAPS Client":
# Création de la liste déroulante
Frame6.pack(anchor = tk.NW, padx = 5, pady = 5)
# NOMS is a list of strings
comboExample = ttk.Combobox(Frame6, textvariable = tk.StringVar(), values = NOMS, width = 45)
def callbackFunc(self):
global nom_site
nom_site = comboExample.get()
comboExample.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", callbackFunc)
comboExample.pack(side = tk.LEFT)
elif Format == "ETUDE":
Frame6.pack(anchor = tk.NW, padx = 5, pady = 5)
site = tk.StringVar()
def Name():
global nom_site
nom_site = site.get()
entrysite = tk.Entry(Frame6, textvariable = site)
entrysite.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5, pady=5)
valider = tk.Button(Frame6, text="Confirmer", command = Name, activeforeground = 'red')
valider.pack(side = tk.LEFT)
# Creation of choice#
choice = tk.StringVar()
# Creation of the OptionMenu #
option4 = tk.OptionMenu(Frame4, choice, "Format1", "Format2", command = Format_choice)
option4.pack(side = tk.LEFT)
# Creation of Frame6
Frame6 = tk.Frame(fenetre)
# label6 creation
label6 = tk.Label(Frame6, text= "What is the name of the site ?", font = ('Arial', '12'))
only makes the Frame6
invisible here, while it is still there.
So, use .destroy()
instead. As beautifully answered here:
So, basically you have two options:
and again create everything inside it in each if-elif
case of function Format_choice()
, ORFrame6
created by the previously selected option.If you like the second way, here is a piece of code you can add before your if-elif case. Using winfo_children()
works like a charm:
def Format_choice(self):
global Format
if choice.get() == Format:
return #so that if user selects same option again, no change occurs in Frame6
Format = choice.get()
for widget in Frame6.winfo_children():
if widget != label6:
if Format == "CAPS Client":
# Création de...
This way, your label6
which you probably don't want to destroy, is not destroyed, while other widgets get destroyed.