I am downloading a JSON Object and storing it in a data class. I am able to download the data and successfully and store it in the data class. I want to store all the values inside the option
field (which is an array) in the JSON object into a separate ArrayList
{8 items
"author":"twinword inc."
"quizlist":[10 items
0:{3 items
"option":[2 items
"quiz":[3 items
1:{...}3 items
2:{...}3 items
3:{...}3 items
4:{...}3 items
5:{...}3 items
6:{...}3 items
7:{...}3 items
8:{...}3 items
9:{...}3 items
data class Game2Model(@SerializedName("area") var area : String,
@SerializedName("level") var level : Int,
@SerializedName("quizlist") var quizlist : List<QuizData>,
@SerializedName("version") var version : String,
@SerializedName("author") var author : String,
@SerializedName("email") var email : String,
@SerializedName("result_code") var resultCode : String,
@SerializedName("result_msg") var resultMsg : String ){}
data class QuizData( @SerializedName("quiz") var quiz : List<String>,
@SerializedName("option") var option : List<String>,
@SerializedName("correct") var correct : Int){}
If you need a list of all the options in a single bigger list, you could flatMap
function in the following way:
val allOptions = game2Model.quizlist.flatMap { q -> q.option }