With Chrome (chromedriver) it's very simple:
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options
options = Options()
options.add_experimental_option('detach', True)
With Firefox (geckodriver) no:
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options
options = Options()
options.add_experimental_option('detach', True) # Returns syntax error
What is the equivalent syntax for leaving the Firefox browser open even when the script ends?
The underlying structure of Chrome (chromedriver) and Firefox (geckodriver) are different.
For example the add_experimental_option exists in chromedriver
This add_experimental_option does not exist in geckodriver, so that is why you are getting an error.
I have looked through various geckodriver documents and haven't seen a reference similar to this one from chromedriver.
Please note the options_spec.rb code below is from the Ruby source code for selenium.
The code below is from the file options_spec.rb, which is part of the selenium source code for chromedriver. Note the detach: true in the dictionary.
opts = Options.new(browser_version: '75',
platform_name: 'win10',
accept_insecure_certs: false,
page_load_strategy: 'eager',
unhandled_prompt_behavior: 'accept',
strict_file_interactability: true,
timeouts: {script: 40000,
page_load: 400000,
implicit: 1},
set_window_rect: false,
args: %w[foo bar],
prefs: {foo: 'bar'},
binary: '/foo/bar',
extensions: ['foo.crx', 'bar.crx'],
encoded_extensions: ['encoded_foobar'],
foo: 'bar',
emulation: {device_name: :bar},
local_state: {foo: 'bar'},
detach: true,
debugger_address: '',
exclude_switches: %w[foobar barfoo],
minidump_path: 'linux/only',
perf_logging_prefs: {enable_network: true},
window_types: %w[normal devtools],
'custom:options': {foo: 'bar'})
The code below is from the file options_spec.rb, which is part of the selenium source code for geckodriver. Note there is no detach: true in the dictionary.
opts = Options.new(browser_version: '66',
platform_name: 'win10',
accept_insecure_certs: false,
page_load_strategy: 'eager',
unhandled_prompt_behavior: 'accept',
strict_file_interactability: true,
timeouts: {script: 40000,
page_load: 400000,
implicit: 1},
set_window_rect: false,
args: %w[foo bar],
binary: '/foo/bar',
prefs: {foo: 'bar'},
foo: 'bar',
profile: profile,
log_level: :debug,
'custom:options': {foo: 'bar'})
The code below is from the file options_spec.rb, which is part of the selenium source code for edgedriver. Note there is a detach: true in the dictionary.
opts = Options.new(browser_version: '75',
platform_name: 'win10',
accept_insecure_certs: false,
page_load_strategy: 'eager',
unhandled_prompt_behavior: 'accept',
strict_file_interactability: true,
timeouts: {script: 40000,
page_load: 400000,
implicit: 1},
set_window_rect: false,
args: %w[foo bar],
prefs: {foo: 'bar'},
binary: '/foo/bar',
extensions: ['foo.crx', 'bar.crx'],
encoded_extensions: ['encoded_foobar'],
foo: 'bar',
emulation: {device_name: :bar},
local_state: {foo: 'bar'},
detach: true,
debugger_address: '',
exclude_switches: %w[foobar barfoo],
minidump_path: 'linux/only',
perf_logging_prefs: {enable_network: true},
window_types: %w[normal devtools],
'custom:options': {foo: 'bar'})
Based on the dictionaries in these 3 option files, one would assume that {'detach': True} isn't an option in the geckodriver.
The options.py for the geckodriver in the Python selenium structure is different than the Ruby file options_spec.rb.
def preferences(self) -> dict:
""":Returns: A dict of preferences."""
return self._preferences
def set_preference(self, name: str, value: Union[str, int, bool]):
"""Sets a preference."""
self._preferences[name] = value
When looking through the source code for the Python geckodriver in Mozilla's gecko-dev GitHub repository I saw that I could query pre-defined preferences and capabilities.
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options
firefox_options = Options()
# output
['--test-type', '--ignore-certificate-errors', '--disable-infobars', '--disable-extensions', '--disable-popup-blocking']
# output
{'browserName': 'firefox', 'marionette': True, 'acceptInsecureCerts': True}
# output
{'detach': True}
So {'detach': True} is an option in the geckodriver, so you should be able to set the option this way:
firefox_options.set_preference('detach', True)