I'm not sure if this is possible, but I would like to count the number of template arguments of any class like:
template <typename T>
class MyTemplateClass { ... };
template <typename T, typename U>
class MyTemplateClass2 { ... };
such that template_size<MyTemplateClass>() == 1
and template_size<MyTemplateClass2>() == 2
. I'm a beginner to template templates, so I came up with this function which of course does not work:
template <template <typename... Ts> class T>
constexpr size_t template_size() {
return sizeof...(Ts);
because Ts
can not be referenced. I also know that it might come to problems when handling variantic templates, but that is not the case, at least for my application.
Thx in advance
Like @Yakk pointed out in his comment to my other answer (without saying it explicitly), it is not possible to 'count' the number of parameters declared by a template. It is, on the other hand, possible to 'count' the number of arguments passed to an instantiated template.
Like my other answer shows it, it is rather easy to count these arguments.
If one cannot count parameters...
How would it be possible to instantiate a template without knowing the number of arguments this template is suppose to receive ???
If you wonder why the wordinstantiate(d)has been stricken throughout this post, you'll find its explanation in the footnote. So keep reading... ;)
parameters...There is one...
Here are the elements with which one should be able to make it possible:
A template class declared with only typename
parameters can receive any type as argument. Indeed, although there can have specializations defined for specific types,
a primary template cannot enforce the type of its arguments.
I think concepts breaks this. "a primary template cannot enforce the type of its arguments." is false.
"Violations of constraints are detected at compile time, early in the template instantiation process, which leads to easy to follow error messages."
It is perfectly possible to create a template having for sole purpose to
be instantiated with any number of arguments. For our use case here, it might contain only int
s... (let's call it IPack
It is possible to define a member template of IPack
to define the Next IPack
by adding an int
to the arguments of the current IPack
. So that one can progressively increase its number of arguments...
Here is maybe the missing piece. It is maybe something that most people don't realize.
But I think it might help in finding solutions sometimes to view it differently and say:
into another template...Lastly, one should be able to detect if the operation succeeded with a testing trait making use of decltype
and std::declval
. (note: In the end, none of both have been used)
Step 1: IPack
struct IPack {
template<typename U> struct Add1 {};
template<typename...Us> struct Add1<IPack<Us...>> { using Type = IPack<Us..., int>; };
using Next = typename Add1<IPack<Ts...>>::Type;
static constexpr std::size_t Size = sizeof...(Ts);
using IPack0 = IPack<>;
using IPack1 = typename IPack0::Next;
using IPack2 = typename IPack1::Next;
using IPack3 = typename IPack2::Next;
constexpr std::size_t tp3Size = IPack3::Size; // 3
Now, one has a means to increase the number of arguments,
with a convenient way to retrieve the size of the IPack
Next, one needs something to build an arbitrary type
by injecting the arguments of the IPack
into another template.
Step 2: IPackInjector
An example on how the arguments of a template can be injected into another template.
It uses a template specialization to extract the arguments of anIPack
and then, inject them into theTarget
template<typename P, template <typename...> class Target>
struct IPackInjector { using Type = void; };
template<typename...Ts, template <typename...> class Target>
struct IPackInjector<IPack<Ts...>, Target> { using Type = Target<Ts...>; };
template<typename T, typename U>
struct Victim;
template<typename P, template <typename...> class Target>
using IPInj = IPackInjector<P, Target>;
//using V1 = typename IPInj<IPack1, Victim>::Type; // error: "Too few arguments"
using V2 = typename IPInj<IPack2, Victim>::Type; // Victim<int, int>
//using V3 = typename IPInj<IPack3, Victim>::Type; // error: "Too many arguments"
Now, one has a means to inject the arguments of an IPack
into a Victim
template, but, as one can see, evaluating Type
directly generates an error if the number of arguments does not
match the declaration of the Victim
Have you noticed that theVictim
template is not fully defined ?
It is not a complete type. It's only a forward declaration of a template.
- The template to be tested will not need to be a complete type
for this solution to work as expected... ;)
If one wants to be able to pass this arbitrary built type to some detection trait one will have to find a way to delay its evaluation. It turns out that the 'trick' (if one could say) is rather simple.
It is related to dependant names. You know this annoying rule
that enforces you to add ::template
everytime you access a member template
of a template... In fact, this rule also enforces the compiler not to
evaluate an expression containing dependant names until it is
effectively used...
s without
accessing its Type
member, and then, pass it to our test trait, right ?
It could be done using something like that:using TPI1 = IPackInjector<IPack1, Victim>; // No error
using TPI2 = IPackInjector<IPack2, Victim>; // No error
using TPI3 = IPackInjector<IPack3, Victim>; // No error
Indeed, the above example does not generate errors, and it confirms that there is a means to prepare the types to be built and evaluate them at later time.
Unfortunately, it won't be possible to pass these pre-configured
type builders to our test trait because one wants to use SFINAE
to detect if the arbitrary type can be instantiated or not.
And this is, once again, related to dependent name...
The SFINAE rule can be exploited to make the compiler silently
select another template (or overload) only if the substitution
of a parameter in a template is a dependant name.
In clear: Only for a parameter of the current template instantiation.
Hence, for the detection to work properly without generating
errors, the arbitrary type used for the test will have to be
built within the test trait with, at least, one of its parameters.
The result of the test will be assigned to the Success
Step 3: TypeTestor
template<typename T, template <typename...> class C>
struct TypeTestor {};
template<typename...Ts, template <typename...> class C>
struct TypeTestor<IPack<Ts...>, C>
template<template <typename...> class D, typename V = D<Ts...>>
static constexpr bool Test(int) { return true; }
template<template <typename...> class D>
static constexpr bool Test(...) { return false; }
static constexpr bool Success = Test<C>(42);
Now, and finally, one needs a machinery that will successively try
to instantiate our Victim
template with an increasing number of arguments. There are a few things to pay attention to:
and next test will be false
.Step 4: TemplateArity
template<template <typename...> class C, std::size_t Limit = 32>
struct TemplateArity
template<typename P> using TST = TypeTestor<P, C>;
template<std::size_t I, typename P, bool Last, bool Next>
struct CheckNext {
using PN = typename P::Next;
static constexpr std::size_t Count = CheckNext<I - 1, PN, TST<P>::Success, TST<PN>::Success>::Count;
template<typename P, bool Last, bool Next>
struct CheckNext<0, P, Last, Next> { static constexpr std::size_t Count = Limit; };
template<std::size_t I, typename P>
struct CheckNext<I, P, true, false> { static constexpr std::size_t Count = (P::Size - 1); };
static constexpr std::size_t Max = Limit;
static constexpr std::size_t Value = CheckNext<Max, IPack<>, false, false>::Count;
template<typename T = int, typename U = short, typename V = long>
struct Defaulted;
template<typename T, typename...Ts>
struct ParamPack;
constexpr std::size_t size1 = TemplateArity<Victim>::Value; // 2
constexpr std::size_t size2 = TemplateArity<Defaulted>::Value; // 3
constexpr std::size_t size3 = TemplateArity<ParamPack>::Value; // 32 -> TemplateArity<ParamPack>::Max;
In the end, the algorithm to solve the problem is not that much complicated...
After having found the 'tools' with which it would be possible to do it, it only was a matter, as very often, of putting the right pieces at the right places... :P
Enjoy !
° Important Footnote
Here is the reason why the word
intantiate(d)has been stricken at the places where it was used in relation to theVictim
The word instantiate(d) is simply not the right word...
It would have been better to use try to declare, or to alias the type of a future instantiation of the Victim
(which would have been extremely boring) :P
Indeed, none of the Victim
templates gets ever instantiated within the code of this solution...
As a proof, it should be enough to see that all tests, made in the code above, are made only on forward declarations of templates.
And if you're still in doubt...
using A = Victim<int>; // error: "Too few arguments"
using B = Victim<int, int>; // No errors
template struct Victim<int, int>;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// Warning: "Explicit instantiation has no definition"
In the end, there's a full sentence of the introduction which might be stricken, because this solution seems to demonstrate that: