I have a big bitmap - sometimes with height 2000 sometimes 4000 etc. This is possible to split this big bitmap dividing by 1500 and save into array?
For example if I have bitmap with height 2300 I want to have array with two bitmaps: one 1500 height and second 800.
You can use the createBitmap()
to create bitmap chunks from the original Bitmap
The below function takes in a bitmap and the desired chunk size (1500 in your case). And split the bitmap vertically if the width is greater than height, and horizontally otherwise.
fun getBitmaps(bitmap: Bitmap, maxSize: Int): List<Bitmap> {
val width = bitmap.width
val height = bitmap.height
val nChunks = ceil(max(width, height) / maxSize.toDouble())
val bitmaps: MutableList<Bitmap> = ArrayList()
var start = 0
for (i in 1..nChunks.toInt()) {
if (width >= height)
Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, start, 0, width / maxSize, height)
Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, start, width, height / maxSize)
start += maxSize
return bitmaps
getBitmaps(myBitmap, 1500)