
Scalatest or specs2 with multiple test cases

In TestNg and Java, we can run multiple test cases using DataProvider, and this runs as separate tests, meaning execution of a test isn't stopped on failure. Is there an analogue for ScalaTest or Specs/Specs2?


  • In both ScalaTest and specs2, it is easy to create test cases at run-time, in order to parameterize them with data. Here's an example with specs2:

       class BasketSpecification extends Specification {
         "a basket must contain fruits" >> {
           Seq(apple, banana, orange) foreach { fruit => 
             ("it contains: " + fruit) >> {
               basket must contain(fruit)

    Then the output is:

     A basket must contain fruits
     + it contains: apple
     + it contains: banana
     + it contains: orange

    Whereas the following specification:

       class BasketSpecification extends Specification {
         "a basket must contain fruits" >> {
           Seq(apple, cake, orange) foreach { fruit => 
             ("it contains: " + fruit) >> {
               basket must contain(fruit)

    Will print out something like:

     A basket must contain fruits
     + it contains: apple
     x it contains: cake
       'basket' does not contain 'cake'
     + it contains: orange