I have installed Vault and Consul as a cluster in 5 VMs. The installation went smoothly but I still have a question I can't find an answer.
I can make consul snapshot using consul snapshot save backup.snap
and export it.
Where is stored K/V data of consul(not the snapshots)? Is it in a specific path on the system?
My question is:
If I do snapshots of my VMs, do I need to snapshot Consul or is the data of Consul saved in my VMs snapshot?
It would be the same result as relying on a VM snapshot of a database VM to backup a database - don't.
Use the consul snapshot feature, because that would at least guarantee a proper snapshot that could be restored.
If you insist on performing a vm snapshot, at least create a hook to perform a consul snapshot -stale
, this would save a backup of the consul database on that server.
Further reading: Consul Learn - Backup and restore