When developing a simple plugin I have code like this:
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger;
public class MyClass {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(MyClass .class.getName());
public MyClass(){
LOG.warn("Creating class warn");
LOG.info("Creating class info");
I see in this thread https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/206779715-Proper-way-to-log-in-Idea-plugins Using this API is the recommended way of logging...
However, in the Console output, whe I run the plugin in the sandbox IDE, I only see the WARN level output. (I am using GrepConsole, but i checked and am not squelching any INFO levels).
I also manually checked the file in sandbox/system/logs/idea.log and the INFO statements are there.... they are just not getting to my IDE console.
Is there a way I can configure my project to allow INFO level output using this logging class?
also manually checked the file in sandbox/system/logs/idea.log and the INFO statements are there.... they are just not getting to my IDE console.
This is expected. The console prints the standard error/output stream. And the logger writes logs into the idea.log file.