
How to select from subclass entity property using Spring Data / JPQL?

I need to query on a property of a subclass. Here are the entities involved:

public class Course {

    private Long id;
    @JoinColumn(name = "personId")
    private Person person;


@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
public class Person {

    private Long id;

    private String name;


public class Student extends Person {

    private StudentType studentType;

public class StudentType {

    private Long id;
    @Convert(converter = StudentTypeConverter.class)
    private StudentTypeEnum name;
    public static enum StudentTypeEnum {
        private final String name;


I'm trying to query using a Spring Data repository:

public interface CourseRepository extends Repository<Course>  {
    List<Course> findByCoursePersonStudentTypeName(@Param("studentTypeName") String studentTypeName);

This doesn't work though. It generates an error stating No property StudentTypeName found for Person!. This makes sense since the property exists only on Student.

How can I write this method (preferably) or use JPQL to find the courses by type of student?


  • How about this:

    @Query("select c from Course c join c.person as p where UPPER(p.studentType.name) = UPPER(?1)")
    List<Course> findByCoursePersonStudentTypeName(String studentTypeName);

    This uses a feature of Hibernate called implict casting.