
Intellisense in vs2010 with c++

I can't get intellisense to work. Even if I start with an empty project and add just one file to it with only an include for iostream and an int main() function that prints a char with cout (basically the most basic program), if I try to get intellisense to show anything (say by typing cout.) I get

IntelliSense: 'No additional information available' (See 'Troubleshooting IntelliSense in C++ Projects' for further help.)

Hours of googling have yielded a couple of articles over at the Microsoft sites that suggest a bunch of things to try or reasons why it wouldn't work. I have tried and eliminated them all, except for one that mentions that stdafx.h has to be in the path.

What is this file?
How do I know if it is in the path if I don't know where it is?
What does it have to do with IntelliSense?
Should I add this file to my project to get it to work?

Thank you.


  • I got it solved by the Microsoft team at http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/652838/intellisense-not-creating-ipch-folder

    It had to do with a certain Windows Update installed on WinXP. The solution was to install VS2010_SP1 and then a certain update over it.