I am currently implementing a search functionality on my app. I have an user table which contains an username and full_name fields. I want to search the users with the best similarity (from username or full_name). I searched a lot on stackoverflow and I found out a very performatic implementation: https://stackoverflow.com/a/44856792/5979369
I used this code and I created this search query:
SELECT username, email, full_name
, similarity(username , 'mar') AS s_username
, similarity(full_name , 'mar') AS s_full_name
, row_number() OVER () AS rank -- greatest similarity first
FROM user
WHERE (username || ' ' || full_name) % 'mar' -- !!
ORDER BY (username || ' ' || full_name) <-> 'mar' -- !!
I have an user which username is mariazirita but when I use this query searching by mar it doesn't return nothing. If I search for maria instead it already returns the user.
What can I do to improve this query to also return the user when I search for mar or ma?
Thank you
The problem here is the %
operator. It will return TRUE only if the similarity exceeds the pg_trgm.similarity_threshold
parameter, which defaults to 0.3.
SELECT similarity('mariazirita', 'mar');
(1 row)
SELECT similarity('mariazirita', 'maria');
(1 row)
So you can either lower the threshold or remove the condition with %
from the query.