
How to Transcode HTTP DELETE with Request Body to gRPC

I'm new in using gRPC with proto3, and I've used Transcoding HTTP/JSON to gRPC to migrate existing http endpoints to grpc.

But I have http DELETE request with request body. I have tried following and got an error.

Grpc Endpoint :

  rpc DeleteFile(DeleteFileRequest) returns (DeleteFileResponse) {
    option (google.api.http) = {
      delete: "/v2/file/delete/{path}"
      body: "*"

protoc gererate command as below

protoc -I ./proto --go-grpc_out=. --go_out=. --grpc-gateway_out=. --openapiv2_out=./openapi ./proto/myapp.proto

Error I have Got

--grpc-gateway_out: must not set request body when http method is DELETE except allow_delete_body option is true

And then I have add --allow_delete_body=true to my protoc command as below.

error : Unknown flag: --allow_delete_body

--grpc-gateway_opt allow_delete_body=true 
error : must not set request body when http method is DELETE except allow_delete_body option is true

grpc versions in my go.mod v2.3.0 v1.3.0 v0.0.0-20210224155714-063164c882e6 v1.36.0 v1.26.0

Would anyone kindly explain How I transcode HTTP DELETE to grpc with request body.


  • After spent time on web and trying with applying flags in different ways, I have found the working command for me. Thanks everyone help to resolve this.

    This is the working command for me:

    protoc -I ./proto --go-grpc_out=. --go_out=. --grpc-gateway_out=allow_delete_body=true:. --openapiv2_opt allow_delete_body=true --openapiv2_out=./openapi ./proto/myapp.proto