I am trying to use kotlinx @Serializable
and Ive faced this issue:
I have the following classes:
sealed class GrandParent
a second one:
sealed class Parent() : GrandParent() {
abstract val id: String
and a third one
data class Child(
override val id: String, ....
): Parent()
I'm needing of grandparent since I use it as a generic type in another class, which happen to also have a reference to the GrandParent class
data class MyContent(
override val id: String,
val data: GrandParent, <- so it has a self reference to hold nested levels
...): Parent()
Every time I try to run this I get an error...
Class 'MyContent' is not registered for polymorphic serialization in the scope of 'GrandParent'.
Mark the base class as 'sealed' or register the serializer explicitly.
I am using ktor as wrapper, kotlin 1.5.10. I did this based on https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.serialization/blob/master/docs/polymorphism.md#registered-subclasses
Any ideas?
You should serialize and deserialize using your sealed class in order for kotlin serialization to "know" to add a discriminator with the right implementation. By default it search for type
in the json but you can change it with JsonBuilder:
Json {
classDiscriminator = "class"
Here is an example:
sealed class GrandParent
sealed class Parent : GrandParent() {
abstract val id: String,
data class Child(
override val id: String,
): Parent()
data class MyContent(
override val id: String,
val data: GrandParent,
): Parent()
fun main() {
val test = MyContent(id = "test", data = Child(id = "child"))
val jsonStr = Json.encodeToString(GrandParent.serializer(), test)
println("Json string: $jsonStr")
val decoded = Json.decodeFromString(GrandParent.serializer(), jsonStr)
println("Decoded object: $decoded")
Result in console:
Json string: {"type":"MyContent","id":"test","data":{"type":"Child","id":"child"}}
Decoded object: MyContent(id=test, data=Child(id=child))
encode and decode can also be written like this (but behind the scenes it will use reflections):
val jsonStr = Json.encodeToString<GrandParent>(test)
println("Json string: $jsonStr")
val decoded = Json.decodeFromString<GrandParent>(jsonStr)
println("Decoded object: $decoded")